Thursday, February 2, 2012

Now We've Done It...

Oh, and hi, by the way.  How've you been?  It's been pure madness around here since I last posted, and I absolutely apologize for the massive gap in communication, but it isn't as if I didn't warn you that this tends to me my M.O.  So much has happened since I last posted, and I have a ton to catch you up on, so, here, let me just give you the quick rundown.

Since the last time we spoke, I married my vampire boyfriend and honeymooned on the most incredible island where we did not much other than play chess and jump in waterfall pools, but somehow I managed to get pregnant and have a baby a few weeks later (crazy, right?), which almost killed me by the way but for said vampire boyfriend being kind enough to bring me over to the other side just in the nick of time...

Wait.  Sorry, that wasn't me, that was Bella.  But whatever.

Since we last talked I packed it up and moved back to my tiny mountain town, Noodle started Kindergarten three days after we arrived, and we are settling in nicely.  Or we were, until we went and bought a house.  Not just any house, either.  This house:

Pretty, yes?  I think so too.  But there is a catch, and it's a whopper.  Here is what it looks like on the inside...

Ummm, yeah.  So, we have our work cut out for us.  Because we have vowed to finish this thing using only the money we have, which means we are on a strict budget.  Now, before you think we are insane... actually, that's a lost cause.  So rather, to help you understand why in the world we would do this, let me just say that the house is on six acres with the most amazing views ever.  And we got it for a steal, thanks to Mr. T's superior negotiating skills and some extremely creative deal making.  Now we just have to finish it.  Oof...

So, I promise to update often about the trials and tribulations of finishing a house on the cheap, amongst other random noodles and nuggets.  

Wish us luck...

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